Friday, December 11, 2009

My vacation plan

For this winter break, I will go to Korea!
I was arrived at Minnesota on 18 June 2009, So I really missed my family, friends and Korea.
I have some plans to do in Korea.
First, I will eat a lot of Korean foods.
During staying in the U.S., I really missed Korean foods, which my mom make for my family because I can cook some of Korean foods.
And also, I will meet my relatives, friends, and teachers.
Because, I don't have enough friends who I can talk and hang out, I always feel lonely. So, I want to talk a lot with my friends, and listen to their story during six months.
And I'm going to change my hair style. Because I can't find the hair studio in the U.S, I have not changed my hair style. So I will change my hair right after I will be arrived at Korea.

And I will take some music classes and some general classes.
I think that the music classes are very interesting because these are very easy to understand. However, some general classes like math or writing class make me feel nervous because of my English skills. Especially I worry about math class, because I don't like math class.
But, I will not worry about my classes a lot because these are what I have to do.

During vacation, I will just enjoy the times with people who I love.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Igor Stravinsky

He is Igor Stravinsky.
Nowadays, Orchestra of Minnesota university prepare for opera performances.
I will perform Mavra that is composed by Igor Stravinsky.
He was born in 1882 in Russia, and he died in 1971.
He was a pianist and also a condurtor.
His music is very special because he used very special form to make pieces.
Sometimes his music make people feel surprised.
He made a lot of music for ballet performances.

Bach cello Suite no.2 prelude

Nowadays, I'm studying and practicing this music.

This piece is Suite no.2 prelude that is composed by Bach.

It is not fast and also not slow.

So, I can express a lot and feel relax when I practice this piece.

It is very well organize piece and very beautiful pice.

I like to study this piece. : )

Friday, November 6, 2009

총기난사 美군의관 "동족과 전쟁 두렵다"

아랍 전통 의상 입고 편의점 출입..
이라크 파견 회피 노력사망자 13명, 부상자 30명으로 늘어
(포트 후드<美텍사스州> 워싱턴 AP.AFP=연합뉴스)

5일 오후(현지시간) 미국 텍사스주 포트 후드 기지에서 총기를 난사한 니달 말릭 하산(39) 미 육군 소령은 요르단 출신으로 이라크로 파병돼 동족과 전쟁을 하는 데 대해 상당한 부담감을 호소했던 것으로 알려졌다. CNN이 이날 공개한 CCTV 화면에 따르면 정신과 군의관인 하산 소령은 범행 당일 아침 아랍 전통의상을 입고 기지 내 편의점에서 커피와 감자튀김 등 아침식사 거리를 구입했다. 화면 속의 하산 소령은 역시 아랍계 미국인이며 아랍 전통의상을 입은 편의점 주인과 잡담을 하고 있다. CNN은 익명을 요구한 편의점 주인의 말을 인용해 하산 소령이 거의 매일 편의점에 왔으며 일주일 전에는 동료 이슬람인들(fellow Muslims)과 싸워야 하는 이라크로 파병되는 것을 두려워했다고 보도했다. 하산 소령이 편의점 주인에게 이슬람 기도회에 참석할 계획이 있는지 묻기도 했다고 전했다. 편의점 주인은 하산 소령이 요르단에 뿌리를 두고 있지만 아랍어는 잘하지 못했다고 증언했다. 사건 발생 후 시간이 진행되면서 지인들을 통해 하산 소령의 행적이 밝혀지고 있다. 포트 후드 직전 근무처인 월터 리드 육군 병원에선 그에 대한 일부 문제점이 지적되기도 했다. 인턴 시절에 그를 훈련한 한 관계자는 자세한 내용을 밝힐 수 없지만 하산 소령이 상담과 추가 감독이 필요한 문제가 있었다고 회고했다. 이 관계자는 그러나 하산 소령은 매우 조용하고 군과 국가에 대해 험담을 하지 않는 사람이었다고 기술했다. 그러나 약 6개월 전 하산 소령은 자살폭탄 테러 등에 대한 글을 인터넷에 올려 사법당국의 수사 대상에 올랐다. 그는 이 글에서 자살폭탄 테러범을 동료의 목숨을 구하려고 수류탄에 몸을 던진 병사와 동등하게 취급했다. 사법당국은 하산 소령이 이 글을 쓴 사람인지 확신은 못했지만 이 사건에 대한 공식수사를 진행 중이었다. 사법당국 관계자는 하산 소령의 컴퓨터에 대한 수색영장을 발부받는 중이었다고 설명했다. 그와 함께 근무한 경험이 있는 퇴역 장성 테리 리는 버락 오바마 미국 대통령이 아프가니스탄과 이라크에서 미군 병력을 철수하기를 하산 소령이 희망했다고 증언했다. 리 장군은 하산 소령이 아프간.이라크전을 지지하는 군 동료와 잦은 언쟁을 벌였으며 자신의 해당 지역 배치를 피하려고 백방으로 노력했다고 전했다. 하산 소령은 이날 포트 후드 기지에서 총기를 난사, 13명을 사살하고 30여명에게 부상을 입혔다. 현장에 있던 100여명을 조사한 사법당국은 단독범행으로 방향을 잡아가고 있다.

2009-11-06 21:20 <저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지.>

It is almost same story with the article that is written by CNN and I posted under this article.

However, there are some additional stories in this article.
1. the person who tought said that Nidal Malik Hasan had some problems when he worked at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. But he can't say what problems he had exactly.
2. About 6 months ago, Nidal Malik Hasan posted some articles about suicide bomb terror.
So, investigates wanted to confirm that whether he really wrote the article or not.

Fort Hood suspect Nidal Malik Hasan seemed 'cool, calm, religious'

* you can watch the picture and video, if you click link above this sentence.

The CNN Special Investigations Unit drills down on the causes and the impact of the Fort Hood shootings, Saturday at 8 p.m. ET on CNN TV.
Fort Hood, Texas (CNN) -- A picture began to emerge Thursday of the suspect in the Fort Hood shootings as a mental health professional who worked to help others in high-stress situations.
The gunman was identified as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, a law enforcement source told CNN. Hasan's office at the base's Darnall Army Medical Center is about a mile from the shootings, where 13 people were killed and 30 were wounded.
Hasan had been telling his family since 2001 that he wanted to get out of the military, said a spokeswoman for his cousin, Nader Hasan. Hasan told his family he had been taunted after the September 11 attacks, the spokeswoman said.
"He was mortified by the idea of having to deploy," his cousin told the New York Times. "He had people telling him on a daily basis the horrors they saw over there."
An owner of a 7-Eleven at Fort Hood said Hasan -- whom he knows as "Major Nidal" -- came in for coffee and hash browns most mornings, including the morning of the shootings. Surveillance video from the store obtained by CNN shows a man who according to the store owner is Hasan at the cashier's counter at about 6:20 a.m. Thursday, about seven hours before the mass shooting. He was carrying a beverage and dressed in traditional Arab garb. Another surveillance video from Tuesday showed the man in scrubs.
"He looked normal," the owner said. "Came in had his hash browns and coffee as you see in the surveillance video."
The owner said he was too busy to chat with Hasan on Thursday, but through brief talks learned the officer's background was Jordanian, though he didn't speak Arabic well. He said Hasan didn't wear a wedding ring and jokingly asked several times whether the owner knew a bride for him.
Hasan would also ask the owner whether he planned to attend Friday prayers. The owner would say he was too busy.
Hasan said he would be deployed to Afghanistan soon, the owner said.
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, who had been briefed by a general at the post, told CNN that Hasan was to have been deployed to Iraq and was unhappy about it.
Staff Sgt. Marc Molano, based at Fort Knox, Kentucky, told CNN Hasan treated him for post-traumatic stress disorder earlier this year at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington.
"Dr. Hasan provided me with nothing but the best care," Molano said. "He was a very well-mannered, polite psychiatrist, and it's just a shock to know that Dr. Hasan could have done this. It's still kind of hard to believe."
Molano described him as "far and away one of the best psychiatrists I ever dealt with."
A soldier who served two tours in Iraq and is awaiting medical retirement for chronic PTSD and severe mental disorders called Hasan "a soldier's soldier who cared about our mental health."
"Hasan hears nothing but these horror stories from soldiers who come back from Iraq and Afghanistan," the soldier said. "Just hearing it I'm pretty sure would have a profound effect."
Mindy B. Mechanic, an associate professor of psychology at California State University, Fullerton, said listening to horror stories can have an impact, but such as extreme one is unlikely.
The impact on therapists who work with traumatized individuals is known as vicarious traumatization or compassion fatigue, Mechanic said.
"But they don't go out on shooting sprees," she said. "They might get depressed or have some emotional fallout from it, but to go on a shooting spree is not part of what happens to people from having to deal with trauma survivors all the time."
Mechanic, who does not know Hasan, said people don't just snap. "When you start looking back, there are crumbs that suggest everything was not hunky-dory."
A former neighbor of Hasan said he lived in a highrise apartment complex in Silver Spring, Maryland, with another man, apparently his brother, and that the two appeared friendly.
"They had some Arabic signs out there, and I asked them what they meant," said the woman, who asked not to be identified. The other man, who routinely wore a chef's outfit, told her it was a prayer, she said. "They seemed like they were nice people," she said.
The two men moved out three or four months ago, which she noticed because the Muslim prayer had been removed from their door.
"Honestly, they seemed like very cool, calm guys, and religious guys," she said. "It's kind of strange."
According to military records, Hasan was born in Virginia, and a federal official said he was a U.S. citizen of Jordanian descent.
Military records show Hasan received his appointment to the Army as a first lieutenant in June 1997 after graduating from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, with a degree in biochemistry.
Six years later, he graduated from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences' F. Edward Hebert School Of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland. He was an intern, resident and a fellow at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
He was promoted to captain in 2003 and to major in May.
This year Hasan completed a fellowship in disaster and preventive psychiatry and was assigned to Darnall in July.
He had been awarded the National Defense Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Army Service Ribbon, but was never deployed outside the United States.

November 6, 2009 11:06 a.m. EST by CNN

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How did you spend Halloween day?

Actually, I practiced for a while and I did my homeworks.
I didn't do any special activites like party.
After practice, I ate chinese foods in chinese restaurant with my friends.
And I stayed in my room.
It is boring and I was very busy because of homeworks.

How did you spend your day?
Is it a great day?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Bach cello Suite no.6

This is Bach suite no. 6 prelude.

And this perfomance is played by Rostropovich.

I like this piece because I played this piece when I take a test to attend this University.

This music makes me feel calm, so I enjoy listening this music.